(413) 459-3857 favspfld413@gmail.com
collage of various people together or in counseling text families against violence

Crisis Intervention

FAV offers immediate assistance to survivors impacted by various forms of violence, ensuring they have the necessary support during challenging times.


The organization provides counseling services to help survivors rebuild their lives and navigate the emotional aftermath of violence.


FAV advocates for survivors across different forms of violence, ensuring their voices are heard and assisting them in accessing crucial resources.

Events & Workshops

Our organization offers workshops and training sessions for youth, parents, and community members to prevent violence and foster understanding.

Awareness Programs

FAV conducts educational initiatives to raise awareness about all types of violence and promotes the importance of fostering healthy relationships within the community.

Youth Engagement

FAV empowers youth through educational programs, emphasizing the importance of healthy relationships and equipping them with essential skills to combat violence.


FAV’s comprehensive approach, covering direct services, advocacy, and community engagement, positions it as a vital resource for survivors of all types of violence and their families. Through its efforts, FAV is making significant contributions to creating a safer and healthier future for the Springfield community and beyond.

Get in Touch With Us


32 Hampden St., 4th Floor Springfield, MA 01103





FAV Mission

The mission of Families Against Violence (FAV) is to offer community support and resources to families who have experienced grief through traumatic loss such as homicide, street violence, domestic abuse, sudden death, and suicide. 

Anti-Discrimination Statement:

Families Against Violence (FAV) vehemently opposes ALL discrimination and is dedicated to providing a welcoming, bias-free environment where victims of violence and their families can access the support they need to heal and rebuild their lives, in alignment with MOVA guidelines.

FAV in the Community


FAV collaborates with various community partners, including law enforcement and government agencies, to advocate for policies and programs prioritizing safety, justice, and healing for survivors of all forms of violence.

Advocacy & Outreach

The organization actively engages the broader community, providing opportunities for community members to participate in advocacy efforts and outreach programs addressing diverse forms of violence.

Youth Engagement

FAV empowers youth through educational programs, emphasizing the importance of healthy relationships and equipping them with essential skills to combat violence.

Community Involvement

The organization encourages community members to actively participate in advocacy and outreach, fostering a collective effort to prevent all forms of violence.

two men and a woman smiling working in the community

Get In Touch With Us


32 Hampden St., 4th Floor Springfield, MA 01103



